Simon Amstell - "
Simon Amstell, it has to be said, is an annoying git - a naturally talented entertainer from off of the telly capable of making a roomful of people laugh themselves stupid, and just 26 years old. He doesn't look a day over 18. Amstell made his name by being splendidly rude in interviews with pop muppets and puffed-up indie egos alike on C4's 'Popworld', something which made him the obvious choice to step into Mark Lamarr's shoes when the greasy 50s throwback gave up his job hosting 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks'." -
Silent words speak loudest
Noel Fielding - "
Noel Fielding is a comedian with the hair of a 60’s girl. He’s won awards and everyfink. He’s also been in a film ( ‘Plunkett & MacLeane’ - as a ‘brothel gent’ ), on a record ( as yet unreleased by Skint’s Midfield General ), and is one half of the gloriously hammock-riddled surrealist comedy duo The Mighty Boosh. Sometimes he wears antlers." -
Russell Brand - "
Russell Edward Brand (born June 4, 1975 in Grays, Essex) is an English radio and television personality, comedian, actor, and newspaper columnist. Brand dresses in a flamboyant bohemian fashion describing himself as looking like an "S&M Willy Wonka". Brand's current style consists of black eyeliner, drainpipe jeans, Beatle boots, and long, shaggy, backcombed hair." -
WikipediaInchei cu "site of the day":
One word.
Ah! Simon . . .
simon, from "simon who made britney spears cry". gotta love him. si sa nu uitam discutia cu amy winehouse...
Mă laşi cu femeile din jurul lui?!? Just Simon! :x
hahaha... bine, daca stam sa ne gandim mai mult sunt barbati in jurul lui...
mda... ajungi in Londra... astept cu interes "British chaps I'll never tell you about" stories... gen :)).
incearca un 19 ani - for a change - cica e mai bun... full body and better bouquet. pe palatin cel putin :).
cat despre cand s eajunge la maturitate un an bun (sa luam la intamplare... '74) ... hm, ce sa zic... cica anul asta a ajuns la deplinatatea calitatilor si e minunat de incercat :).
stii ce apreciez eu cel mai mult la tine? ca ai grija sa imi fie mereu bine. e absolut heartwarming... si daca as ramane pe strazi stiu ca mi-ai da si mie o paine. da cred ca nu m-ai mai lasa sa merg la londra...
:)). cred totusi ca as incerca vrajeala cu dulciuri ceva (iubesc clasicii) in loc de paine... hm, eventual cu niste carnaciori de oaie la Enache.
stie ma afurisitul unde sa loveasca...
Tare ma enerveaza Russell Brand! da' se-mbraca de-adevaratelea ;)
incearca sa vezi "the big fat quiz of 2006", il gasesti pe youtube. russell's greatest hour, desi numai pentru ca e langa noel fielding care il face extraordinar de ne-obositor. uita-te la orice cu el si noel si e un alt om.
These three are wonderfully amazing and I love them all !
Rosmy -xxx <3
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